What Is the Main Reason Children Are Depressed?

Some children go through stressful things. Some have faced loss, trauma, or hardships. Some go through serious health conditions. These things can lead to sadness or grief and sometimes to depression. Depression can affect people of any age, including children. Although children naturally have mood swings as they grow and develop, depression is different. The disorder can affect how children interact with friends and family. It may prevent them from enjoying school, sports, hobbies, or other normal childhood activities.
How Common Are Childhood Depression and Anxiety?
Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health disorders in children. About 7% of children ages 3 to 17 have anxiety; about 3% deal with depression both depression and anxiety tend to be higher in older children and teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17. An estimated 3.2 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the United States had at least one major depressive episode.
What Are the Symptoms of Depression in a Child?
- Feeling sad, hopeless, or irritable a lot of the time.
- Not wanting to do or enjoying doing fun things.
- Showing changes in eating patterns – eating a lot more or a lot less than usual.
- Showing changes in sleep patterns – sleeping a lot more or a lot less than normal.
Can Kids Be Depressed Too?
Both depression and anxiety tend to be higher in older children and teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17. An estimated 3.2 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the United States had at least one major depressive episode. This number represented 13.3% of the U.S. population aged 12 to 17.
Can Kids Be Depressed Too?
Depression does not only affect adults. Children and young people can get depressed too. It’s important to get help early if you think your child may be depressed. The longer it goes on, the more likely it is to disrupt your child’s life and turn into a long-term problem.
Is It Rare for Kids to Have Depression?
Protect crying children from others who may want to call them “crybabies.” Tell children that crying is a good way for adults and children to show their sad feelings. Remember: It’s okay to be sad. Avoid saying things like, “It’s not so bad” or “Cheer up!” Understand that a child’s behavior may change at this sad time.
Is It Rare for Kids to Have Depression?
Overview. Learning to balance life’s positive experiences and emotions with the unhappy ones is an important part of growing up, but some children find this to be a struggle. An estimated 3.2 percent of American children and adolescents have been diagnosed with depression.
How Does Depression Affect a Child’s Mental?
Children who are diagnosed with depression exhibit prolonged sad or irritable mood or anhedonia (loss of pleasure and interest) along with concurrent symptoms involving four or more of the following: significant changes in eating and/or sleeping, changes in motor activity (restlessness or lethargy), difficulty
What Are the Signs of Anxiety in Children?
- Anxiety about the future.
- Fear of being away from a parent.
- Physical symptoms of panic, such as sweating or dizziness.
- Refusal to go to school or take part in social activities.
- Worry that a parent or loved one may die.
How Are Depression and Anxiety in Children Treated?
Treatment options for children with depression are like those for adults. Your child’s healthcare provider may recommend:
- Psychotherapy (counseling).
- Medication.
- Combination of the two.
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