What Happens if I Eat Chia Seeds Everyday?

Chia seeds are not only rich in minerals, omega-3 fat, antioxidants, and fiber but also easy to prepare. Chia seed consumption may offer health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving digestive health. However, certain individuals may experience side effects if they eat large quantities of chia seeds, including those with diabetes, high blood pressure, and allergies.
How Many Chia Seeds Should I Eat a Day?
A common dosage recommendation is 0.7 ounces (20 grams or about 1.5 tablespoons) of chia seeds twice per day. Remember to drink plenty of water to prevent any digestive side effects.
What Are the Benefits of Chia Seed?
Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which can improve heart health, reduce cholesterol levels and promote intestinal health. Fiber takes longer to digest and makes you feel satisfied longer, which is how it can help with weight loss and decrease your risk of developing diabetes or heart disease.
What Is the Best Time to Eat Chia Seeds?
The morning
Consuming chia seeds with water in the morning helps in giving your digestive system a boost and improves bowel movement. Healthy digestion is a prerequisite to weight loss. The best time to eat chia seeds is when you wake up. Consumption of chia seeds aids in a feeling of fullness and thus a reduced calorie intake.
Who Should Avoid Chia Seeds?
Medicines: Avoid taking chia seeds if you are taking medications like anticoagulants and antiplatelets (prevent blood clots), anti-hypertensive (treats high blood pressure), anti-cancer, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, as chia seeds might interact with these medicines.
Can I Have 2 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds a Day?
There are no hard-and-fast guidelines on how many chia seeds you should eat daily. But some doctors and institutions offer reasonable recommendations, such as Columbia University, which suggests eating 20 g (or a bit under 2 tbsp) of chia twice per day.
How Long Should I Soak Chia Seeds?
Soak the seeds in almond milk or water (1/4 cup seeds to 1 cup liquid) until they take on a chewy texture reminiscent of tapioca pudding, about 20 minutes. Soaked chia seeds can be refrigerated for up to 5 days, so you can make a big batch at the start of the week.
What Are the Side Effects of Chia Seeds?
Eating Too Many Chia Seeds Can Cause Digestive Issues. Excessive fiber intake can cause problems like abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and gas.
Can We Drink Chia Seeds in Water Daily?
While chia seed water can be a part of a healthy diet pattern, it’s important not to rely on it for weight loss or any single health goal. Furthermore, don’t consume an enormous amount of it. Instead, make it part of an overall healthy diet. Generally, one serving of chia seeds is 2 tablespoons (20 grams).
Do Chia Seeds Burn Body Fat?
But chia seeds are not a magic bullet for weight loss. They do not burn extra calories or increase metabolism in any way. Additionally, if you consume too many of them, you might gain weight instead.
Do You Need to Soak Chia Seeds Before Eating?
It is important to soak your chia seeds and activate the mucilage because it creates positive changes in the nutritional and physical properties of the chia seeds that make them even more beneficial for your health. Here are some important changes that happen to chia seeds soaked in water.
Featured Photo by Kaffee Meister on Unsplash