Why Is Naming a Child so Important?

The act of giving your child a good name continues throughout their upbringing and these names will be just as important. In a world full of words, we use language to identify, classify and connect. Words are also used to label, define and compare as we use them to describe ourselves and the people around us.
What Is Child Naming?
A naming ceremony is a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of a new baby or to welcome an adopted child or step-children into your family and wider community. Many families choose to hold a naming ceremony to celebrate their child’s arrival.
What Is Significance of Naming?
Our names are an incredibly important part of our identity. They carry deep personal, cultural, familial, and historical connections.
What Is the History of Naming Ceremony?
In ancient times, naming ceremony events were not just about celebrating new life, but also about remembering death. The head priest would name the child after someone who had recently passed away as the purpose of this was to keep their memory alive. He may have even named them after a god or goddess.
What Happens if a Child Isn’t Named?
If the parents then fail to ever give an official moniker, the placeholder name inevitably gets used in the birth certificate processing, which is also typically handled by hospital staff.
What Is a Name Rule?
A naming law restricts the names that parents can legally give to their children, usually to protect the child from being given an offensive or embarrassing name. Many countries around the world have such laws, with most governing the meaning of the name, while some only govern the scripts in which it is written.
Does Naming Affect a Child?
Apparently, even in 2,000 BC, many people believed that names do affect a baby’s personality. However, scientific evidences of the same are relatively new. Some studies have found that there is an unusual link between name and personality of a person.
What Is the Superstition About Naming Child?
If you give your child a name before they are born, it is rumoured to bring bad luck. This superstition is based off many cultures having naming ceremonies or christenings that are held after a baby has been born, many which require the name to be withheld from being used until then.
What Does the Bible Say About Naming a Child?
And in the process of dedicating a child to God, you must give him or her a name. NAME, whether of living or non-living things, is a form of identification; and it has a divine origin. This is evident from the account of creation in Genesis 1 and 2.
Is There Any Tradition About Naming Babies?
Well, normally the father will name his child, but in some cases, grandparents also want to join in the process of naming. Apart from that though, the family name of newborn babies must follow their father’s family name.
Why Are Babies Given Names?
Parents may choose a name because of its meaning. This may be a personal or familial meaning, such as giving a child the name of an admired person, or it may be an example of nominative determinism, in which the parents give the child a name that they believe will be lucky or favourable for the child.
Who Should Name a Child?
Parents have the right to name or change the name of their children. A father’s right to change a child’s name requires establishing paternity and being listed on the child’s birth certificate.
Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash