What Is the Difference Between Galentines Day and Valentines Day?

Simply put, Galentine’s Day is like Valentine’s Day, but for the gals! And though unofficial, in the eyes of girls everywhere, it’s totally a thing. The holiday falls on February 13 each year (which is a Monday this time around) and is geared towards celebrating the women in your life.
What Is the Meaning of Galentine’s Day?
That’s right: Galentine’s Day—a day for women to celebrate their friendships with their lady friends. It’s Valentine’s Day with your gals. Leslie Knope’s edict (which is how I live most of my life anyway), Galentine’s Day falls on February 13, or the day before Valentine’s Day.
Who Coined Galentine’s Day?
The English poet Geoffrey Chaucer was the first to record St. Valentine’s Day as a day of romantic celebration in his 1375 poem “Parliament of Foules,” writing, ““For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”
How Do You Celebrate Galentines Day Virtually?
For a super simple virtual Galentine’s Day, order your favorite meals and sit on the couch for a chat while you eat. Want to DIY it? Cook dinner instead. Galentine’s Day is the perfect holiday to bake.
What is galantine vs Valentine?
Just as one can be someone’s valentine on Valentine’s Day, so one can be a galentine on Galentine’s Day, e.g., “Will you be my galentine?” As such, a galentine is a playful, affectionate term for a close friend.
What Is a Galentine’s Favorite Things Party?
So what is a Favorite Things Party? A Favorite Things Party is where each guest brings some of their favorite items to do a gift exchange with. The number of items, quantity of each item and price point is typically determined by the host and included in the invitation.
Why Is It Called Galentine’s?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Galentine’s Day is a “day for women to celebrate their friendships with their lady friends.” Essentially, the meaning of Galentine’s Day is Valentine’s Day for your gals. (It’s right there in the name).
Is Galentines day only for singles?
Nope. Despite its name, anyone and everyone can celebrate Galentine’s Day. At its gooey heart, Galentine’s Day is a celebration of friendship and the people who stick by your side as romantic relationships come and go.
What Colour Is Galentine’s Day?
Valentine’s Day might be more about the classic colors, but for Galentine’s Day, you can play around with the color palette and add in a little orange, purple, or whatever you want.
What Is Galentines and Palentines?
Palentine’s Day is Valentine’s Day’s non-romantic cousin and Galentine’s Day’s gender neutral twin sibling… Girls, boys, fam, frenz, whatevs, can all get together for fun and frolicking. Still no drama, but this day is gender inclusive so anyone can attend, and there are no rules on how to celebrate.
What Are Galentine Themes?
My other favorite Galentine’s themes are English tea party, Bollywood/Hollywood Red Carpet, Poker and drinks, Disco party, Bake-off. Maybe you are good at dancing or cooking or fitness or make-up. Use this as a theme for your party and have a fun session with your friends.
How Do You Spell Galentine’s?
Just as one can be someone’s valentine on Valentine’s Day, so one can be a galentine on Galentine’s Day, e.g., “Will you be my galentine?” As such, a galentine is a playful, affectionate term for a close friend.
Is Galentines a Real Thing?
February 13 is one of the most anticipated days of the year—and no, that’s not a mistype. Sure, the 14th is all about valentines and heart candies and romantic relationships, but the day before is a celebration of female friendships everywhere—it’s Galentine’s Day!
Why Are People Saying Galentines Instead of Valentines?
Observed on February 13, the day before Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day celebrates platonic friendships, usually among women. It originated on the show Parks and Recreation.
Can Men Celebrate Galentines Day?
Despite the female-focused name, Galentine’s Day is for everyone. It can be celebrated by men or women, single or taken because it’s basically just an opportunity to grab your friends and let them know how much they mean to you.
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